Testing a PattonRobotics PRT motherboard and two IR line detector boards

   Code by Brian Patton
   Motherboard and 2 IR line follower boards test

     This example code is in the public domain.

byte rSensorPin = A0;
byte lSensorPin = A1;
byte rLED = 21;
byte gLED = 22;
byte bLED = 23;
int rSensorVal;
int lSensorVal;

//    Setup

// the setup routine runs once when you press reset:
void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  Serial.begin(9600); //create a Serial port
  while (!Serial);    //wait for the port to open before proceeding
  delay(500);         //wait an extra 1/2 second to be sure
  pinMode(rLED, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(gLED, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(bLED, OUTPUT);
//    Main Loop
//    the loop routine runs over and over again forever:
void loop() {
  collectData(); // Call the function to collect the data
  printData();   // Call the function to print the data
  graphData();   // Call the function to graph the data
  glowData();    // Call the function to light 2 LEDs
//   Collect the Data
void collectData() {
  rSensorVal = analogRead(rSensorPin); // Collect the analog data off the pin
  lSensorVal = analogRead(lSensorPin); // Collect the analog data off the pin
//   Print the Data
void printData() {
  // Simply print the data
  Serial.println("Right sensor value =  " + (String)rSensorVal);
  Serial.println("Left sensor value =  " + (String)lSensorVal);
  Serial.println(" ");
//   Graph the Data
void graphData() {
  //Scale the data by dividing by 15 so it fits in a small serial window
  for (int i = 0; i <= rSensorVal / 15; i++) {
    Serial.print("*"); // Print a "*" for every interation of the scaled data
  Serial.println(" "); // Create a new line
  //Scale the data by dividing by 15 so it fits in a small serial window
  for (int i = 0; i <= lSensorVal / 15; i++) {
    Serial.print("-"); // Print a "-" for every interation of the scaled data
  Serial.println(" "); // Create a new line
  Serial.println(" "); // Create a new line
//   Make LEDs glow with the Data
void glowData() {
  // Map the data to fit the analog write range
  int mapRVal = map(rSensorVal, 0, 1023, 0, 255);
  int mapLVal = map(lSensorVal, 0, 1023, 0, 255);
  analogWrite(rLED, mapRVal); //Pulse the LED to dim or brighten the LED
  analogWrite(gLED, mapLVal); //Pulse the LED to dim or brighten the LED
