String Manipulation 2

/* String Demo3
  Brian Patton
  A quick tour of some of string manipulation tools
/* SKIF.ino
  c.d.odom 10.19.14
  a sketch that houses a variety of homemade functions to grab keyboard input
  NB: No setup(), no loop()
String words;         // hold the intial large string to be parsed
int num;              // hold the total number of characters
int counter;          // hold the number of spaces
String myWords[50];   // Array to hold the individual words after they are parsed out

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  while (!Serial);

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
  trimIt();           // intro to trim()
  toUp();             // intro to toUpperCase()
  howLong();          // intro to length()
  howManySpaces();    // intro to charAt() to search a string
  catchWords();       //Capture all the words

//*******************************  Just a fun pause
void dramaticPause() {  // just a cool delay so there is time to read the text at each step
  for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++) {
//*******************************  Use the SKIF to get a string
void grabString() {
  Serial.println("Please enter a sentence.");
  Serial.println("Feel free to try and trick me with a few leading or trailing spaces");
  words = readString();
  Serial.print("You have given me  \"");

//*******************************  trim();
void trimIt() {
  Serial.println("First I'll get rid of any stray spaces at the beginning or end");
  words = words.trim();
  Serial.print("This should be free of leading and trailing spaces ------>  \"");

//*******************************  toUpperCase();
void toUp() {
  Serial.println("Now I'll switch all the letters to Uppercase");
  words = words.toUpperCase();
  Serial.print("This should be all Upper case ------>  \"");

//*******************************  length()
void howLong() {
  Serial.println("Now I will calculate the total number of characters and spaces in your string");
  num = words.length();
  Serial.println(" Has " + String(num) + " characters and spaces ");

//*******************************  Using charAt() to search a string
void howManySpaces() {
  counter = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i <= num - 1; i++) {
    if (words.charAt(i) == ' ') {
  Serial.println("There are " + String(counter)  + " spaces\'s "  + " in \"" + words + "\" ");
  Serial.println("That would imply there are " + String(counter + 1)  + " words\'s "  + " in \"" + words + "\" ");

void catchWords() {
  Serial.println("I will next capture each word in your sentence and place it in the array");
  int wordsIndex = 0;
  int i;
  int wEnd;
  int wStart = -1;    //I set to -1 since I want to start 1 past blank space but there 
                      //is not black space at the beginning so....move back an extra space
  for (i = 0; i <= num - 1; i++) {
    if (words.charAt(i) == ' ') {   // Find the next blank space
      wEnd = i;                     // this will be the end of the word
      myWords[wordsIndex] = words.substring(wStart + 1, wEnd);// capture word
      wordsIndex++;                 //increase the index
      wStart = wEnd;                // set the next start to the previous end
  myWords[wordsIndex] = words.substring(wEnd + 1);// last word does not need an end
                                                  // It just goes unitil the string ends

  for (i = 0; i <= counter; i++) {
    Serial.print("At index position " + String(i) + " you will find --> " );
Serial.println("\n " );

/* SKIF.ino
  c.d.odom 10.19.14
  a sketch that houses a variety of homemade functions to grab keyboard input
  NB: No setup(), no loop()

byte readByte() {
  while (Serial.available() == 0);      // pause indefinately until the serial port has data.
  byte getByte =;         // grab a byte (character) stored in the serial port buffer
  //  Serial.print("Character = " );
  //  Serial.write(getByte);                            // writes the binary data to the Serial Monitor
  //  Serial.println(", ASCII = " + String(getByte));   // writes the ASCII code of the binary data
  //  Serial.println("");
  return getByte;

char readChar() {
  while (Serial.available() == 0);      // pause indefinately until the serial port has data.
  char getChar =;         // grab a character (byte) stored in the serial port buffer
  //  Serial.println("Character = " + String(getChar));
  //  Serial.println("");

  // clean up the keyboard buffer in case user enters more than one character:
  while (Serial.available() > 0)
    char junk = ;       // empty the keyboard buffer one character at a time
  return getChar;

String readString() {
  String buildString = "";

  while (Serial.available() == 0);      // pause indefinately until the serial port has data.

  // loop while there are bytes in the serial port
  while (Serial.available() > 0) {
    char getChar =;        // grab a character (byte) stored in the serial port buffer
    if (getChar == '\n') {               // if the character is a carriage return (ENTER) ...
      // ... do nothing ... the input textbox is now empty
    else {
      buildString += getChar;      // build the string one character at a time
  return buildString;

int readInt() {
  while (Serial.available() == 0);                     // pause indefinately until the serial port has data.
  int getInt = Serial.parseInt();                      // grab an integer from th the serial port buffer
  // note delay with parseInt!  try entering a letter
  //  Serial.println("Integer Value = " + String(getInt));
  //  Serial.println("");

  // parse sometimes leaves junk characters, so this cleans up the keyboard buffer:
  while (Serial.available() > 0)
    char junk = ;       // empty the keyboard buffer one character at a time
  return getInt;

float readFloat() {
  // NB: not accurate for large numbers.  For more precision, use snprintf
  // NB: does not recognize scientific notation

  while (Serial.available() == 0);                       // pause indefinately until the serial port has data.
  float getFloat = Serial.parseFloat();                    // grab a floating number from the serial port buffer
  // note delay with parseFloat!  try entering a letter
  //  Serial.println("Float Value = " + String(getFloat));     // if you need more decimals, use snprintf.
  //  Serial.println("");
  //  Serial.println("");

  // parse sometimes leaves junk characters, so this cleans up the keyboard buffer:
  while (Serial.available() > 0)
    char junk = ;       // empty the keyboard buffer one character at a time
  return getFloat;