String Manipulation 1

/* String Demo
 Brian Patton
 A quick tour of some of string manipulation tools
String words;
String word1, word2, word3, word4;
int num;
int space1;
int space2;
int space3;

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  while (!Serial);

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
  trimIt();           // intro to trim()
  toLow();            // intro to toLowerCase()
  toUp();             // intro to toUpperCase()
  howLong();          // intro to length()
  howFar();           // intro to indexOf()
  firstLetter();      // intro to charAt()
  wordChunks();       // intro to substring()
  howMany();          // intro to charAt() to search a string
//*******************************  Just a fun pause
void dramaticPause() {  // just a cool delay so there is time to read the text at each step
  for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++) {
//*******************************  Use the SKIF to get a string
void grabString() {
  Serial.println("Please enter a four word sentence. For example \"The fox ran fast\"");
  Serial.println("Feel free to try and trick me with a few leading or trailing spaces");
  words = readString();
  Serial.print("You have given me  \"");
//*******************************  trim();
void trimIt() {
  Serial.println("First I'll get rid of any stray spaces at the beginning or end");
  words = words.trim();
  Serial.print("This should be free of leading and trailing spaces ------>  \"");
//*******************************  toUpperCase();
void toUp() {
  Serial.println("Now I'll switch all the letters to Uppercase");
  words = words.toUpperCase();
  Serial.print("This should be all Upper case ------>  \"");
//*******************************  toLowerCase();
void toLow() {
  Serial.println("Now I'll switch all the letters to Lowercase");
  words = words.toLowerCase();
  Serial.print("This should be all lower case ------>  \"");
//*******************************  length()
void howLong() {
  Serial.println("Now I will calculate the total number of characters and spaces in your string");
  num = words.length();
  Serial.println(" Has " + String(num) + " characters and spaces ");

//*******************************  indexOf()
void howFar() {
  Serial.println("I will next tell you the location of each of the spaces between the words in your sentence");
  space1 = words.indexOf(" ");
  Serial.println(" Has it's first space after " + String(space1) + " positions from the beginning of the sentence");
  space2 = words.indexOf(" ", space1 + 1);
  Serial.println(" Has it's second space after " + String(space2) + " positions from the beginning of the sentence");
  space3 = words.indexOf(" ", space2 + 1 );
  Serial.println(" Has it's third space after " + String(space3) + " positions from the beginning of the sentence");


//*******************************  charAt()
void firstLetter() {
  Serial.println("I will next tell the first letter of each word in your sentence");
  String let1 = words.charAt(0);
  Serial.println("The first letter of the first word is \"" + let1 + "\"");
  String let2 = words.charAt(space1 + 1);
  Serial.println("The second letter of the first word is \"" + let2 + "\"");
  String let3 = words.charAt(space2 + 1);
  Serial.println("The third letter of the first word is \"" + let3 + "\"");
  String let4 = words.charAt(space3 + 1);
  Serial.println("The fourth letter of the first word is \"" + let4 + "\"");

//*******************************  substring()
void wordChunks() {
  Serial.println("Now I will tell you each word and the length of each one in your sentence");
  word1 = words.substring(0, space1);
  Serial.println("The first word is \"" + word1 + "\" and has a length of " + String(word1.length()) + " characters");

  word2 = words.substring(space1 + 1, space2);
  Serial.println("The Second word is \"" + word2 + "\" and has a length of " + String(word2.length()) + " characters");

  word3 = words.substring(space2 + 1, space3);
  Serial.println("The third word is \"" + word3 + "\" and has a length of " + String(word3.length()) + " characters");

  word4 = words.substring(space3 + 1);
  Serial.println("The forth word is \"" + word4 + "\" and has a length of " + String(word4.length()) + " characters");

//*******************************  Using charAt() to search a string
void howMany() {
  int counter = 0;
  Serial.println("Which character would you like me to count in \"" + words + "\" ");
  String charOfInterest = readString();
  char Chr = charOfInterest.charAt(0);
  for (int i = 0; i <= num - 1; i++) {
    if (words.charAt(i) == Chr) {
  Serial.println("There are " + String(counter)  + " " + String(Chr) + "\'s "  + " in \"" + words + "\" ");
