/* SD card reader code written for the PJRC MicroSD card reader for use on a Teensy 3.1/3.2. Collect Data from a analog pin and writes the data to SD Written by Thomas Cifelli and Carson Shaw 2016. This example code is in the public domain. Teensy SD Card DOUT 11 MOSI DIN 12 MISO SCK 13 SCLK CS 10 SS GND GND +5 +5 */ #include <SD.h>; //necessary library for SD card use #include <SPI.h>; //necessary library for SD card use File file; //creates a file variable of a given name (in this case, "file") int sensor = A2; //the pin of the sensor to be read int delayTime = 1000; //how long to wait between sensor readings void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); //initialized communication with the serial monitor while(!Serial); //waits for the serial monitor to be opened SD.begin(10); //starts reading the SD card on pin 10 (the CS pin) delay(100); //small delay to allow the monitor to fully open //SD.remove("DataFile.txt"); //use to clear the file when necessary file = SD.open("DataFile.txt"); //opens or creates a file of that name while(file.available()) { //prints all the data on the file to the serial monitor Serial.write(file.read()); }; Serial.println("--------------------------"); //separates the old data from the new file.close(); //closes the file (IMPORTANT) } void loop() { file = SD.open("DataFile.txt", FILE_WRITE); //opens the file so it can be written to int sensorData = analogRead(sensor); //reads the sensor Serial.println(sensorData); //prints the sensor data to the serial monitor file.print(sensorData); //writes the sensor data to the file file.println(); //creates a new line in the file file.flush(); //saves the file file.close(); //closes the file delay(delayTime); //waits until the delayTime is over }